Speech written for Barack Obama

We work for a more beautiful America.

A country where no full time worker lives in poverty.
America, the beautiful.

A country where no student cannot afford a college education.
America, the beautiful.

A country where its children can reach their full potential because the finest educational resources can be found from the richest to the poorest districts.
America, the beautiful.

A country where no patient worries about inferior health care or catastrophic financial losses due to lack of health care insurance.
America, the beautiful.

A country where no veteran regrets sacrificing life or injury during war because his country honors him all the days of his life from the day he enlists.
America, the beautiful.

A country whose enemies need not fear torture or unjustifiable invasion or unwanted occupation.
America, the beautiful.

A country with an equitable tax system and a workforce equipped to compete in the global economy with free and fair trade.
America, the beautiful.

A country not dependent on foreign oil, but reliant on domestically produced renewal energy to empower its industry and consumption.
America, the beautiful.

A country with the world’s most pristine forests, rivers, oceans, and fresh air to breathe even in its urban areas.
America, the beautiful.

A country not controlled by lobbyists, but by a diverse people united in purpose to increase peace, justice, freedom, and prosperity for all mankind.
America, the beautiful.

We work for a more beautiful America.
America, the beautiful.

(written by ‘pastamanvibration,’ inspired by Barack Obama)

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12 Responses to “Speech written for Barack Obama”

  1. pastamanvibration Says:

    There’s been a huge surge of views of this post the past few days. Will someone tell me the url with the link to this post?



  2. Al Gore, the perfect candidate for Vice President « Pasta Man Vibration Says:

    […] a President is only good (or bad) as the people he surrounds himself with in his administration. Obama would be wise to choose a Vice President with high stature, without worry of being occasionally […]

  3. Jay Says:

    if u type Barack Obama in google images this is one of the first few images of him since its a great pic thats y i clicked it

  4. pastamanvibration Says:

    Thanks, Jay! Probably same goes for my Bob Marley post. I get tons of hits for these 2 posts everyday.

    On the dashboard, the search engine term that makes me laugh is “Don’t worry be happy Bob Marley” — that wasn’t his song, but it brings them in.

  5. Patricia "mispiernas" Says:

    Hi pastamanvibration! Oso ongi tus escritos!
    son todos tuyos?

  6. pastamanvibration Says:

    Hola, Patita. Si soy el unico loco que escribe gratis estas paginas. Cuida mucho “mis piernas”!

  7. Jonathan Klunk Says:

    I love this man. He will be a great president.

  8. gregg chambers Says:

    i hope he makes it i luv u obma u can do it

  9. gregg chambers Says:

    i read the whooooo thing

  10. gregg chambers Says:

    obma the besttttiee

  11. aya Says:

    i love obama so much,he’s very sweet,gentle,smart,and so sexy,i support him for become usa president.his speech is very good,descript him that he’s very smart.last but not least,he is the best!!!

  12. sushie Says:

    obama will be the next president of usa,cause hes the great leader ever americas have…..i support u,barack!n i hope u will come to ur stepfather country,indonesia,,,,ok!

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